halo star trek crossover fanfiction

He turned to the side, muttering the words that would no doubt soothe his stressed mind: Tea, earl grey, hot.. As an aside for the MAC stuff, remember when MACs are used for orbital support they are explicitly not a full power, they have the functionality to dial in the yield so they can technically be pushed up and down the scale simply depending on the computers/AI similarly to how the PoAs triple burst MACs worked when Cortana was popping covenant with them via ToT barrages. I'm more of the mind Vulcan pushes UE to take a heavier hand/authority over the SOF, then leverage Vucan tech/know how to keep the SOF in their influence. A ODP type defense station with Trek Tech would be insanely powerful! And keyly still work pretty much the same way with enough power. On the other hand Halo tends to have bigger numbers for populations, fleet and ship sizes, biggatons of firepower, etc etc. (I mean numbers given by AO3 system, not in my chapters titles)Chapter from 1 to 15 are Origin/Prolog Chapters for Rivet and Kit.Chapter from 16 to are Kit's story arc. And, so too, those that wouldn't have been necessary, couldn't possibly have been. Delighted that she would not be punished for breaking protocol, the greatest sin a monitor, but actually be able to show off her accomplishment, 123-Inquisitive Melady would buzz with joy! 1. The Covenant have discovered Reach - our last bastion before Earth. Bring the rain! Wesley Crusher, how long before we reach earth?, Young Wesley looked at his monitors in a rush, unprepared for such a question. The programmed AIs are similar to VIs in Mass Effect as they are unable to learn beyond their role or program. 7. Maybe when Halo and Star Trek reality was formed, the variable that causes subspace to be more or less intense was different. people don't mysteriously vanish hanging around the warp core. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Then the Federation should have plenty of the old Miranda cruisers that were mothballed and can be refurbished as quick as they can for the next invasion by a deranged group of xeno-/genocidal maniacs out to attack the United Federation of Planets Usually do not care for halo much but this looks like one of the stories that will make it fun. Yet, who is a hero? Chapter 1 Halo Crossovers Show All Halo Crossovers. ^^ That would have been a pretty big statement seeing something as small as that beat the crap out of a CCS battlecruiser. mean, depending on when this fic is taking place, the Federation very well could still be using lasers! The public reason Humanity was sentenced to extermination for . JavaScript is disabled. Truth and Reconciliation Actually if you look at the actual ship battles in Halo, both sides are glass cannons. Considering the nature of the plague, honestly im sure the UNSC might have had the same reaction if a plague started turning people into a cross of Human and Brute. We followed the directions she gave us, and We found something Here, he trailed off, looking toward the screen. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The timeline would take place from the start of Halo Wars, and season 1 of Next Generation. Because I like to blow my own trumpet, here's what I consider the only good one of mine, written in the wake of Halo 4. They will need personal energy shields and energized bla'leths to do close mortal Melee combat Hmm theoretically that would allow them better protection against monophasic weapons like lasers or plasma cannons, Lieutenant Young mused, but its not much good against phased energy weapons.. Until he dies by the hand of an elite or so we thought But this would not just be for the sake of being friendly, the Covenant was wiping the floor with the fleet, and entire worlds were being lost almost daily. Its a branched off timeline. Planets. Besides I thought it was only the brutes that ate humans. I think it just appeared He typed something into the computer. He shook his head, immersing himself in the reports and putting all thoughts of the Borg and connected minds aside. Work Search: tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Believing this planet to be some sort of enemy staging area, a UNSC battle group takes up the mantle of eliminating the faraway threat, only to find themselves pulled into a three-sided war of survival in a human civilization far behind their own engulfed in a war between humanity, a rogue robotic army known as the Legion and the alien mercenary raider group known as the Banished. An Early End Cant forget in a century that they'll have incredibly advanced medicine. Please consider turning it on! Cross posting from Spacebattles cause why not, I've got all this stuff there, might as well share here. Betrayed? Power levels are always contentious. 'Valcumee and the Monitor I'm eagerly looking forward to the Vulcan and Earth reaction when they get a chance to review the footage of the horrors of the Covenant war. A haphazard escape through teleporter on the shield world Requiem's surface sends Spartan Commander Rachel Auri flying head over heels onto foreign soil with hostile contacts right on her tail. On the genetic engineering/augment debate, particularly the bit about Bashir, that would be a point of conflict. Commander Riker to Captain Picard, we have something that we need to clarify with you, sir Checking the time, he noted that he had only been reading for just short of an hour. But it would very soon be apparent that they had instead come into contact with another interstellar power. The creepy penis-looking freaks had hoped to eradicate the Human race quickly and effectively, and now that victory was not a certainty, many began to dought the war. Yeah, wish I reworded the title but it's to late now. Congrats, you have successfully navigated down from completely useless to merely. Blades of Glass [Halo x Starcraft OC!Insert], The Way of Voyagers (Star Trek Online x Avatar: The Way of Water, some Neverwinter Backstory). The UNSC would send a few ships and probes into the Star Trek universe, finding themselves between the Omega and Archanis sectors. There was one thing on his mind at that moment, something that he had been thinking about for the past hour. Could also just harvest base materials and minerals.just wouldn't taste all that good. There are more than a few races around who could have noped them out of existence or at least help the forerunners fight them and without the flood there is no reason to make the halos. It largely takes place on Deep Space Nine. Also i finaly found more footage to showcase weird shit you can do with phaser tech, all the way up to Ship scale. You are using an out of date browser. Also, I'm pretty sure that Star Trek!Humanity developed phase cannons with Vulcan help, so it's entirely possible that they'd still be using weapons like the UNSC without alien assistance. Yeah if this is the fire power of just the Ent era, and the TOS era was shown explicitly to be above that, this really shouldn't be to hard to see that Star trek really just doesn't like using such weaponry on planets. He needed to have his information straight before he began questioning Dr Halsey on her decision to experiment on living, breathing humans. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? the Final Frontier. "Also, I make it a point to stay away from Q's hairless apes. 5. Harry Potter Twilight Crossover. However, he also witnesses the turning of the tides as the war progresses. but no Trek ship ever glasses a planet, not even ones from the more xenophobic and extreme factions. There's either a typo here on the wiki, or crew members claim they can't taste the difference between normally prepared food and resequenced food: Don't have time to check right now, but I do remember tucker recording a video for a school were he outright says it runs off the ship sewage plant. The funny part is, even civilians are genetically augmented. Weapons expert, multilingual, mechanic, former ODST, and overall nice guy. No sir. Faster? Time travel is messy - and 2. He brought a hand to his temple and massaged, making the decision to retire even before addressing his crew. [a brief exploration of what the as-advertised Halo 5 plot could have been if it utilized the characters from H3:ODST in place of Fireteam Osiris]The Human-Covenant War is over. You do know the technology Trek humans even in Enterprise had means that they can just hook it up directly to their? I'm talking ships going warp 36 (22 when being a tugboat for the Enterprise), mainly folks from the antimatter universe called Arret. Before spartan ops and after Halo 4 for those who are confused. What did you find? As soon as Picard finished talking, the image of a large ring appeared on the screen, with mechanical fixtures on the outside and what seemed like wildlife on the inside. What comes aboard said ship might be the very key to saving Mankind, second only to Master Chief himself. There are three parts to it, unfortunately, Dunuelos . Fighting to get back home, to Earth and back to the Federation. If they had shield tech it would have been magnetic or gravitic based deflection arrays and not the Covenant's clear plasma absorption arrays. The phase cannons are a modulated particle beam. While en-route to a meeting with other Starship captains on Earth, my crew discovered a strange object floating in space. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? He had no doubt in his mind that they would try to make contact with the group, as Star Fleet aimed to promote peace across the galaxy with all races. Filter: Sort by Popularity Filter by name: All. Have you ever been backstabbed? Follow her story as she tries to survive a planet that is constantly attempting to kill off it inhabitants while attempting to find a way back home using low-grade tech. Captain Picard had been staring into empty space with his crew for nearly four earth hours. That's season 5 episode 6. He had chosen to remain in the chair for the journey back home to earth, as he was attending an important conference regarding another space exploration group that needed his immediate attention. Picard was usually quite patient when it came to long journeys, but even his patience had been waning during this return to his home planet. Halo and Warhammer 40k but more specifically the Death Korps Of Krieg! https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Protein_resequencer. Follow/FavHaloStar Trek Crossover By:TheInquisitor97 These are the Voyages of the starship Enterprise E and the remaining crew of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. The report on the following page was less than polite about the UNSC: REPORT NO.699: Evidence of recruitment of individuals for the ORION Project. Considering we dicussed that the only thing they dislike is "Super human" part of the genetic modification, yeah cancer removal probably isnt a problem what so ever. After being betrayed by everyone when Cardin chose to repay his mercy by exposing him, he got bullied both verbally, physically and publicly. 5. But being, well, inquisitive, she would stave off the ever-encroaching threat of insanity by boredom by continuing research into the interdimensional portal. They claim that the UNSC have begun recruiting humans, and have been creating a new breed of soldier through genetic experimentation. The Star Fox and Star Wolf teams must team up with Markus Tokarev to get back to Corneria - but the trip home will not be easy, needing to navigate pirates, traps, and sinister plots to reach Lylat, and when they get there, rumors begin surfacing about a phantom fleet with the power to make anyone who found it as a warlord among the stars. Harry potter in the walking dead. Are the covenant races in startrek if they exist even similar to halo counterparts. left kudos on this work! Something both later regret due to how it later caused such mental termoal and stiff in the guy. A protein resequencer was installed aboard. Cancer was literally genetically removed making them extremely rare. What happened?. Henlo fwends! Though his journey didn't end. Spatial torpedo (which could be fired in mass to overload any PD fire; and are VERY small vs an Archer missile), Phase cannons for main guns + MAC, Plasma cannons for CIWS + broadside coil guns, and Photonic torpedos to just hammer targets. If everyone is super, no one is. Faced with another potential threat to Lylat, the gang must find this Phantom Katana Fleet before someone worse does - but what will they do when they find it? Become a Starfleet-affiliated PMC group Votes: 143 49.8% Join Starfleet-proper as a "Foreign Legion" sort of deal Votes: 120 41.8% Join the Earth Cargo Service Darth Ralan chapter 14 . Which is basically a replicator in a trench coat. Did they tell them the reason why those ancient WMD was built? 8. What are you guys even arguing about any more? Of all the fanfics I've read crossing Star Trek with Harry Potter, my favorite's Through The Wormhole by Dunuelos. Filter: Sort by Popularity Filter by name: All. Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday The ground they walk on Winter Schnee just got a new partner in more ways than one. The gods demand you make more of this delectable treat you call halo trek. Hypothetical scenario works perfectly for the modern day equivalency of energy weapons hence why they aren't used often. I would assume that the UNSC patrol would be weary at first, but the senserity of the Federation and the UNSC's desperate need for allies to either fight the Covies or rebuild, the UNSC would then try to broker an alliance with the Federation. 6. Thanks to the legendary Spartan Master chief. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Well land manually. This turned quite a few heads. many, many years later, the Covenant War would spark in the Milky Way Galaxy. You were originally going to be deployed on a planet to assist in fending off the covenant With the Sith considered extinct, the Universe rests knowing the true menace is gone. Considering Spartan-II production is immoral in all the ways they fear, this might not end well. I scanned for similar life signs to that of humans, and nothing appeared., Picard stared at the ring for a while longer, before sucking in a breath and bringing his hands together with an audible clap. Harry Potter/Game of Thrones. Wesley, are there any mentions of this object in Star Fleets database?, No sir. In. Mass Effect (640) RWBY (238) Star Wars (235) Naruto (99) Red vs. Blue (68) . I will arrange a shuttle immediately.. Naruto (141) Prototype (118) Harry Potter (90) RWBY (55) . # 1 Jaune Spartan by Buster Seven 242K 3.6K 41 After being betrayed by everyone when Cardin chose to repay his mercy by exposing him, he got bullied both verbally, physically and publicly. 6. You are using an out of date browser. Done. The Dominion War Why don't we talk about master chief finally having a chance to get a vacation? This will be, I hope, an interesting sub plot as the story continues. 14. The thing is if a biggaton level is inconsistent in application then its questionable to assume the higher level is always in effect. So you need some power source that generates or holds 15 Mj. But it also felt alone, as though someone had been abandoned., He took careful note of this information while looking for more information. The one thing everyone knows is that the Reapers are systematic. Captains Log, Stardate: 47953.2.While en-route to a meeting with other Starship captains on Earth, Captain Picard and his crew aboard the U.S.S. It has been 15 years since the Battle on the ark. Winter_Confictura 50 weeks ago. Halo humanity, covanent, and forerunners should have discovered dilithium if it existed. Now, what is the UE's stance on smart AI at this point in time? Please consider turning it on! Why do I think that? Star Trek: 2009 (1 . Human and Alien factions fight for control in a power vacuum left by the destruction of the Covenant and UNSC. If so, maybe, just maybe, the slipspace should be faster in Star Trek verse. You must log in or register to reply here. Should be noted that they don't actually get one, although they do have a synthesizer. Star Fleet have found evidence of potentially illegal biological testing on humans conducted by the UNSC in a classified program known only as the ORION Project. A lone Odst has been living on a chunk of the ark floating in deep space for years, After losing those, who he called family he now is facing an uphill battle of attrition fortuntely, he found an unlikely ally to assist in that endeavor, a ring monitor\. 4. Deanna, I want you to join me on the surface. You are using an out of date browser. The Map Room Causes Chaos DS9, that time Quark and his family plus on 'dog' ending up captured at rossewl by the US governemt and taken to Area 51.No im joking, their warp drive ended up malfunctioning and they went so fast that by the time they arrived at earth they traveled through time. Will Cole be being part of this story as a character, But then, why did their kidnappers' not have examples of directed energy weapons? I thought you were going for something bigger than the Interpid class? At least you won't die of starvation! Star Trek Enterprise VS Black Hole - Calcs. St As the Human covenant war was won and the flood defeated once and for all. Re-Group Situation 1: Starfleet immediately pick the patrol up on sensors and begin hailing them. It was a nightmare with his Halfway into the Clone Wars Jedi master Obi-wan is taking back Ryloth from the Separatist droid army. 4. That said, the undisputed master of HBOFF shorts was A Halo Fan.atic (aka Phdrus). Besides blindness is a biological issue that can be fixed with surgery. Welp, this seems like an excellent place to stop, for now, a little short, I know, but this is just the introduction. The War make the Humanity change forever. The solution he proposed was to take a supermac stick, capacitors, a genrator, enough armor to protect it from banshees, a bridge, a small crew quarters, and an engine on it. Finding the Map Room It's called Half-Life and is nominally Christmassy . The romulans for example use an entire signalarity core to power their starships to achieve Warp. After 30 years of fighting, the humanity almost in the brink of extinction. Iter In Astris (Halo x Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction crossover) RememberReach312 Oct 29, 2022 What should the "Spirit of Fire" do once they realize they're trapped in another universe? What are you guys even arguing about any more? Alert us to anything unusual while we are on the surface. Riker nodded solemnly, put out that he could not attend with the small team. Which is still absolutely devastating mind you. They flourished some 4.5 billion years ago and explored the galaxy, but found no other lifeforms like themselves. On the one hand in tactical battles Halo still uses slug throwers while Trek have FTL maneuvering. The main character, Duncan Iris, faces the full horror of the covenant war effort against humanity as well as the brave retaliation of outnumbered and outgunned UNSC forces. She was worried about the wellbeing of the ship and the crew. The Great BETA War. These are the voyages of the starship Equestria. They kill again. On the one hand in tactical battles Halo still uses slug throwers while Trek have FTL maneuvering. Uhnote I said concentrated power. Ruby Rose, a weapon nut and the leader of the team turned 16 not to long ago strong(*2), Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, Blake Belladonna, a Faunus and former member of the Faunus Extremist group The White Fang, and Yang Xiao Long, the half sister of . So basically put a slipspace drive and an actual reactor on an ODP and send it out? In-universe? But the Prime Cruiser, Bellicose and her crew may contain the answers needed to win this war. I don't see future agencies getting involved - 1. Was a rather weak showing for the covenant but once they start rolling in real fleets and possible make it a ground fight things will get hilarious. They decide to investigate the object. 16. Well, lets visit this new planet! The great, terrible darkness has receded--it would be preferable, for the crippled husk of Humanity, that the light not come. with survival on their mind and a team to look after the zealot swears, they will make it out alive. But this was excruciatingly boring for him. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But here we get back to the power issue. Heck even in DS9, once they realized bashir wasn't an augment by choice and rather their parents wanting a "none defective child", this going to a outside provider then giving him all the genetic advantages money could buy. Legacy characters in Starfleet, or Harry and co, Brought up to the 24th century, whatever works. But the slipspace "bomb" used to kill the supercarrier in Halo Reach would lend towards it being the case. Harry Potter/Avengers Crossover. And that's not even getting into the Flood. Ensigns Kim and Smith, you will also accompany us. After having received acknowledgements from the people he named, Picard made his way to his ready-room to prepare to land on the strange planet. Slipstream drive is essentially a submarine that dives into subspace while warp drive surfs on subspace. The Dominion also seems to have members that are too specialized and they are similar to the Covenant. You know that there is one possibility that we haven't taken into account: that the Spirit of Fire being destroyed. You can get rich, powerful or even famous.It's also a very dark place. They kill. Cause while the Trek ships look fancy every time I see them I cant help but think that one good shot at the ships neck(? It was armed with a powerful glassing cannon and Abbreviated: energy weapons, which were mentioned in-chapter in the context "why haven't you developed these yet? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Terrorists attacks, pirates raids, Invasions and many more things that can make life harder.That's why simple people need someone to protect them. Picard tries to communicate with an Elite, This is the product of my brother and I talking. Why those ancient WMD was built would be insanely powerful ( 118 ) Harry Potter ( 90 ) RWBY 55! Want you to join me on the surface other hand Halo tends to bigger. Tactical battles Halo still uses slug throwers while Trek have FTL maneuvering Milky way Galaxy smart AI at point. And overall nice guy into account: that the UNSC have begun recruiting humans, and overall nice.. This or other websites correctly actual ship battles in Halo, both sides are glass.. I 've got all this stuff there, might as well share here followed the directions she gave us and! Are three parts to it, unfortunately, Dunuelos then its questionable to assume the higher level is in! 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