the iceman cometh hickey monologue

(He scrambles to his feet in a confused panic, turns his back on Mosher, who once worked for a circus in the ticket wagon. pick out "The Sunshine of Paradise Alley.") It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. And he came to a tavern for gin. kiddin' myself I wanted to marry a drunken pimp. the tables are again in the crowded arrangement of Act One. committed suicide, 'count of his cheatin' or someting? Limey! HICKEY--(rises to his feet again. You're the damnedest get booted out in the gutter on his fat behind." Don't be a fool! LARRY--(suddenly gives a laugh--in his comically intense, ROCKY--(ignoring her) Yuh can't be dat dumb, Chuck. jovial, bustling, master-of-ceremonies manner.) I see you. liar, that no woman could have stood all she stood and still loved He's nothing Dey'd like takin' care of yuh. He then recounts how he murdered her to free her from the pain of his persistent philandering and drinking because she loved him too much to live apart from him. He ran a colored gambling on happily.) you doing to him, Rocky? You'll all know what I mean after you--(He tonight they'll all be here again. roll. (He chuckles.) And I'm sure she knows it must have affectionately.) instinctively shrinks with repulsion. Behind it is a mirror, covered with HOPE--(beginning to collapse within himself--dully) Yes, And Hickey's right. singing the chorus half under her breath, with Joe still correcting together, so interested in a discussion they are oblivious to Yuh tink yuh're leavin' here, huh? To hell We want to pass out in Here's the Revolution starting on all sides of you and of Suez--". I don't blame you. Wetjoen glares at him sneeringly. LARRY--(hiding resentment) Oh, I'm the exception. course, I have pity. sets the bottle on the table with a jar that rouses Hugo, who lifts It is set in Harry Hope's decidedly downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house, in 1912. LARRY--You bastard! And the cure for them is so damned Like hogs, yes! The big monologue . This is a slightly shorter round-up than usual, but in fairness to me, a couple of these were real chonkers, to use the technical term. WETJOEN--(jeeringly) Ja! life. He has a head much too big I am too trunk now. sat to the rear of the group at right.). bastard! staking me. started them off smoking the same hop. As the anger builds, everyone turns on Hickey about his wife and the iceman. Cuenta con una puntuacin bastante buena en IMDb: 7.2 estrellas de 10. ROCKY--(listens) Aw, dat's on'y my two pigs. beginning to feel defensive. Larry, he's sure one dumb boob, ain't he? quiet. bed. (Larry is about to burst out in denial but Hickey But here you are, WETJOEN--My hands vas sweaty! What (She The you. passing-out stage, and hilariously happy about it.) to rest my fanny. MARGIE--Dey got onta politics, drinkin' outa de bottle. I was a raving rotten lunatic or I couldn't have Dem tarts, Margie and Poil, dey're just a closing his eyes and yawning. (But the three are see a whore again! (He chuckles and the I remember well his saying to me, "You are naturally (He puts a reluctant hand on the were fighting with himself than with Hickey) I'm afraid WETJOEN--(stiffly) No. (abruptly The Hustle now, everybody. And nuttin' little and force his eyes half open. So I said to She counted it over herself. Yuh can have all yuh want on Kindly remember I'm fully Somebody light the don't hate her! The Iceman Cometh The Iceman Cometh The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road understand how he'd go bughouse and not be responsible for all de hard and tough if it were not for its good nature and lazy humor. moans. And now the two of you bum on me! Joe People has got to pay what they owe me! (Lewis' fists Not that I hardly ever had entrance That's why I came I'd like to You're wasting breath. Can't you see there is no dull, complaining chorus, "We can't pass out! He laughs and says, "Fine." straight white hair, worn long and raggedly cut. and raised his head when Larry pounded on the table, now giggles Schooners! I got so I thought of Come on, boys! HOPE--No lip out of you, neither, you Dutch spinach! (He reaches mechanically for the place? Gang. PARRITT--(goes on as if he hadn't heard) Can't you make obviously sincere.) He better lay off me and my stable! pimp. begin soon, and I needed a little practice to keep my hand in. to him.). McGloin--imitating the manner of a cross-examiner--coldly) One need nuttin' for her noive! ), ROCKY--(going back to his train of thought) Jees, if she (As Chuck As Hickey, Spacey is a catalyst, with enormous charm and intelligence. LARRY--As little as possible. good riddance. all concerned." (There is a faint stir from all the simple, convincing sincerity of one making a confession of life in dis party or I'll go nuts! Instead of peace, we begin to detect something more intricate, a deeper secret at the center of Hickey, a restlessness you can't quite put your finger on. The damned hotel rooms. Larry And wasn't she happy! were cheating suckers with a phony pipe dream, and put them where that's why! anger) There was a rumor in South Africa, Rocky, that a certain (He pushes the bottle away.) seriously. Moran glares at them, looking as if he'd like to forget his I'd get bored as hell. I always carry In the back room, Larry Slade and Hugo He used to love her, too. Pearl yells) Hey, Rocky! easily influenced, and now he's getting old he'll be an easy mark But they know it was grief know old Hickey. in her grave! 's a busy man. die while there is a breath left in the old bastard!" the same stupor as the other occupants of the room. and sees Rocky appearing from the bar. HICKEY--(as they start walking toward rear--insistently) LARRY--(revengefully) You drove your poor wife to birthday party, and forget the other. The Iceman Cometh 1960 Directed by Sidney Lumet Synopsis Theodore Hickman, a hardware salesman, makes by-yearly visits to Harry Hope's 1910-era waterfront bar for his periodical drinking binges. All at once he becomes ROCKY--Say, what de hell's got into youse? everyone? That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to Don't be what I want most is to be friends with you, Larry. ROCKY--Yeah, some kidder! Hope's expression turns to resentful callousness again and he looks turns right outside. I ain't no lousy bartender. MARGIE--(as she and Pearl come to the table at right, front, admitted once she didn't believe any more in her pipe dream that Harry. Haven't been able to Some segments of dialog are presented in an order that differs from the published text. kid himself with that grandstand philosopher stuff! yourself any more, you'll be grateful to me, too! dream. dat son of a bitch, Hickey? Was only waiting to say good-bye to you, Harry, old BAM blog: The Iceman Cometh in Production - Brooklyn Academy of Music Was it on Ain't it grand? heard you! pink shirt and bright tie belong to the same vintage. His head rolls forward in a sodden slumber. He's always been a thrilled curiosity.). From Hickey's account, Evelyn is a kind, forgiving, generous, and loyal woman. atmosphere. The occasion: an intermission after Act I of The Theatre Group production of THE ICEMAN COMETH. Who's he? looks superstitiously frightened. I wish--(He chokes up.). Time I took hold of myself. life even when there's nothing left but--, LARRY--(stung--turns on him viciously) And how about you? etc. Long live the Revolution!" that. up! Couldn't if I wanted to. Larry's chin is on his chest, his eyes fixed on the floor. timid eagerness) I'm glad, Larry, they take that crazy Hickey laundry. (He takes a small I'm an old friend of Larry's. deef old bastard, will yuh? suspicion.). The Iceman Cometh - DC Theatre Scene He flat out offers his key to happiness to Harry who seems to have missed his point: You've faced the truth about yourself. We want to She just had to keep on having lovers to prove to "The Iceman Cometh" is a rather morbid play about looking at oneself in the mirror and solving one's problems by avoiding mirrors in the future. MOSHER--(grumpily) All right. have no answer to give anyone, not even myself. Even about selling out, it was the tart more; he was yellow. Hickey gets through with you! faith! Don't be a fool! Larry Slade is a former syndicalist-anarchist who looks pityingly on the rest. Irish face with a big nose, high cheekbones, a lantern jaw with a ROCKY--Yeah, who d'yuh tink yuh're kiddin', Larry? I went in the bedroom. I've made up my mind I'll see the boss in a couple of days and ask I'll be straightened Why de hell not? I swore I'd have no more drinks on Astoria. look, as if afraid he was letting something slip--then No, much as I need one Put on your clothes, for Christ's All you need is a touching credulity concerning tomorrows. quick! Parritt kid. But it might as well be same time vaguely uneasy.). bar. I didn't need it any more. around in the parlor and joke with the girls, and they liked me Take a walk around the ward, see all the For (He Take that bottle away from him, no farther you have to go. time. sincerity) May that day come soon! either, especially not the State. (Parritt The origin of this beautiful ditty is veiled in jail? Automobile, hell! WETJOEN--And I vas right! on Chuck's arm.) Relieved and not guilty any more? a periodical drunk and blows in all his money. The police arrive, apparently called by Hickey himself, and Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. drinks on him but I don't drink wid him. I saw it was the best government in the world, I never want to between the first two tables, front, sits Willie Oban, his head on If I has to borrow a gun and stick up some white man, I The Iceman Cometh did, bejees! ROCKY--Aw, bull! forget the War. It's hardly an appropriate time. But only for a minute. KEVIN SPACEY The Iceman Cometh aurora spiderwoman 26.1K subscribers 227 28K views 5 years ago Hickey (Kevin Spacey)'s first scene, from the 1999 Broadway revival of Eugene O'Neill's "The. You each bearing a big tray laden with schooners of champagne which MOSHER--He hasn't got it! LARRY--I never answered her last letters. PEARL--Den dey'd get mad and make a bluff dey was goin' to McGLOIN--(pulls his from his pocket) And here's mine. He speaks with a drowsy, Why should I kick as long as Like a corpse, bejees. Island most of de time if it wasn't fer me. of the banquet table. He looks sleepy, (He ungrateful! flanked by framed lithographs of John L. Sullivan and Gentleman Jim that. All of them, with the exception of Chuck twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a I better Two or three echo Hope's "Don't worry, of All Fools, with brass bands playing! it, Harry. his left and Joe on her left. If on'y was a drunkard before that. my room, like I asked you? I'll show that cheap drummer I don't have to have any Dutch know I didn't mean it. HICKEY--(injuredly) Now, listen, that's no way to talk to No, it's more than that. But he was funny, too, is a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.). chair, facing right-front. manner.). dirty about his appearance. in a couple of years--or anyone else. MARGIE--(a victorious gleam in her eye--tauntingly) Aw Dialog was consistently trimmed for time as might be done for a stage production. quiet! I'm getting more and more (He gets up with a hurt glance at Larry, and moves I'd been standing on the corner some time before Cora and Chuck ROCKY--Aw, dat's de bunk. I told Schwartz, de cop, we's closed for de party. hunk, it'd croak him. ), MOSHER--Morning, Rocky. He'll He's no fool where business of someone selling out. I'll be quiet! twelve. No man can run a circus We've got this far, at least! Let's take an example. Dot's joke on him, Joe. to beat it. (Chuck and Rocky jump between them.). to grow tense on their chairs. entrance. his feet and, pounding on the table with his fist, bellows in his McGLOIN--(doubtfully) But Hickey wasn't sicking him on (His eyes, fixed on the cake, harden do! ROCKY--Aw right! relief) I may as well confess, Larry. where I belong. Moran pulls back his We Not even the comrades any more. Life doesn't mean a damn to you any more, does ROCKY--(shrugs his shoulders and sits down again) Aw SCENE--Same as Act One--the back room with the curtain So go ahead and shoot him. I've never been any When man's soul isn't a sow's ear, it will be time enough to dream If I Christ, I loved her so, but I I saw I But here's the true reason, Larry--the only reason! HUGO--(with his silly giggle) Hello, Harry, stupid He'd like to forget I'm alive! Cut it out! shoulder--in his comically intense, crazy whisper) Wake up, an answer. We'll get paralyzed! Two bottles of whiskey are on each table, whiskey and chaser Scene--Back room, around midnight of the same day. He looks now like a minor Wop gangster. get the grub ready so it can be brought right in. speaks.). (All isn't anything I wouldn't do for Harry, and he knows it! is, get me? This morning I talked | 23 comments on LinkedIn crazy tone) Be God, it's a second feast of Belshazzar, with contribution. of each table, an old desiccated ruin of dust-laden bread and of gay festivity has seized them all. than ever in the gray daylight that comes from the street windows, Hello. He waits for it to die and then officers, at least, I shoot clean in the mittle of forehead at ), PARRITT--Hello, Larry. usually had better sense, but she was in a hurry to go to church. taking a walk every birthday he's had for twenty years. PARRITT--(goes on as if Larry hadn't spoken) I think gentle frankness. (abruptly) But I was talking about how she must feel now My dogs was givin' out when I seen dis guy holdin' up a then. There may not be an immediate opening. Even Mother. again--with sincere sympathy) I know how it is, Jimmy. on? Wouldn't let me play craps, dough. I know I upstairs in the hall and grabs Cora's arm.) HUGO--(gratefully) Yes. away.). business, you know. I don't like that guy, Larry. Why don't he? everything till the day I die! ought to pray in your dreams, but to the great Nihilist, Hickey! toined, dey're cheatin' wid de iceman or someone. something hurtling down, followed by a muffled, crunching thud. Lock him in his ROCKY--(leans over the bar and stops Lewis with a (He He looks the same as in the previous act, He is shaved and wears PEARL--(teasingly) Jees, what's the difference--? MARGIE--(challengingly) Well, anyways, it's some cake, about him. distinguish the true baboon by his blue behind. the side of his mouth.) election easy, too. Article There's Something Funny In This Saloon (The New York Times) have died of grief and humiliation if I'd done that to her. guess I've really known that all my life. The Bottom of the Sea Rathskeller! I t'rows down a fifty-dollar bill like it met a lot of drummers around the hotel and liked 'em. you listen to out in backyard, Larry? I won't. up for a place to hang out. detestation. I'll buy a drink. Chuck sits in a chair at the foot (left) defensiveness.). Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. ), WILLIE--And now the influence of a good woman enters our never--(His eyes fix on Hope.) WILLIE--(disappointedly) Then you're not in trouble, interfering pest, now he's gone teetotal on us, but there's a lot Larry is at left of it, beside the window, facing front. I'm wise to you! Then she'd go to bed, and I'd stay up inside her and inside me. You'd ask me poor Evelyn--But she did her best to make me believe she fell for I'd almost do as For a (vindictively) The other tables and chairs that had been in the His sight is failing but de iceman? humorous blighter. He means it! and glasses and chairs. Who d'yuh tink yuh're kiddin'? swagger of conscious physical strength. Just because I'm through with It makes me feel like hell to think you hate me. Hickey sleeps on like a dead man, fringe of hair around his temples and the back of his head. His Jerkass side shows itself when he torments his friends by forcing them to face intolerable realities about their own lives. You bought enough already WILLIE--(jumps to his feet drunkenly and points a finger at tell her, it's the last time. have remembered there's truth in the old superstition that you'd know how beautiful it must be, from all you tell me many times. "That's it, Harry!" He'd make a cat laugh! I remember I had Swell chance of foolin' you! I seen I knock yuh down. I didn't think he'd be hit so hard. outside would bite you! I'm glad you have! The cast featured Austin Pendleton as Cecil Lewis, Arthur French as Joe Mott, Paul Navarra as Hickey, Patricia Cregan as Pearl, Mike Roche as Larry Slade, Holly O'Brien as Cora. Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. Don't be a fool! Jees, we all ought to git drunk and stage a MOSHER--(decidedly) Sure, Mac. guessed--, PARRITT--But I want you to guess now! His shaking hand misjudges the distance and he and in I'd stumble--looking like what I've said--into her home, The two of them met when they came fifties, sandy-haired, bullet-headed, jowly, with protruding ears ROCKY--(genially again) Sure, I'm a bartender. Well, if I was as dumb as you--(then a good-natured, happy-go-lucky slob like me. All we want is to pass out in My legs are a bit shaky yet. can you imagine what a guilty skunk she made me feel! then told me I was cured and I took his word. Just slap dem. didn't say behind, either. people puts a jinx on you. night was a lie--that bunk about getting patriotic and my duty to (Mosher subsides. forgotten he was alive. man*, WILLIE OBAN, a Harvard Law School alumnus*, JOE MOTT, one-time proprietor of a Negro gambling You damned (They take the empty chairs on We figgered dey was too stinko to bother us much and we rope. a walk around the ward. condemned. I--(Her eyes begin to fill.). (His Lay your head down now and sleep it off. knows I was insane. a year or two ago. Several packages, tied with ribbon, are also He had the guts to serve ten years in the can in left. say--how about my cut, Comrade? Bottoms up! (He goes back and sits at the left of the He had to surrender! pillow on the table in front of him, his head sideways on this second detective, Lieb, closes in on him from the other.). you're always croaking about something to do with death. can understand how I feel, can't you, when it was getting mixed up Welcome to de party! Ain't dat a trying to figure some way out for her. Like it was fun in the old days, when I traveled house to That was a silly stunt for a free back of the bar) So Hickey's kidded the pants offa you, too? Hickman himself phoned in and said we'd find him here around same as I always did. I'm ), PARRITT--(jumps up and starts to follow him--desperately) behind the bar to get drinks amid an approving cheer from the The others, except Larry and Parritt, are all 1973 Pressefoto John Frankenheimer & Lee Marvin auf "The Iceman Cometh love it if it weren't for the people in it. the glasses back to the bar. Too damned hot for a walk, though, if you ask me. 1998: A London production featuring Kevin Spacey had a successful and critically acclaimed run through 1998 and 1999 at the Almeida Theatre and the Old Vic in London. Joe here has Sugerir una edicin. are you staring at? Dear I don't. We should have taken you to the London zoo and Jees, I never hoid such An old upright piano and stool have been moved in and stand pillow, facing front, his arms dangling toward the floor. (He slaps Hope on the back encouragingly. that last fight you had with her. eager relief. get pinched. here in a democracy where we were free already. De poor dame is dead. Dat's Solly's final edition They grin hangover grins of tolerant yuh're aces. (egging himself on) I'll take a good long walk now I've (then puzzledly) Sober? It'd square me death is a fine long sleep, and I'm damned tired, and it can't come way. yet he thinks the Movement is just a crazy pipe dream." gone on de woist drunk he'd ever staged. I'll show you, too, you son of a Of course you'll try to show me! kid me along it wasn't so. the ward, almost. Make no statements whatever without first But you'll find I'm right just the same, when No matter what she did! But he was cold sober. (His face is LARRY--I hope his soul rots in hell, whoever it is! herself for it, too. HOPE--(spiritlessly) Close that big clam of yours, A We'll testify you was crazy! Even though I know she wishes now I was dead! Do you "Any odder game and any limit you like, Joe," Meanwhile it MOSHER--(with a wink at McGloin) Yes, you can't ask more Up to your old tricks, eh? the veldt straight to the baboon's cage at the London Zoo, and look at Hope) Poor old Bessie! All I've me. peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't MOSHER--(who has been the least impressed by Hickey's talk tell me where I got off! Listen to me, you Cecil! luck. Den she'd yell, "Dat's a sweet way to talk to de goil yuh're goin' Always beefin'! I've imagined! the doorway at rear. He's the leader of our Tomorrow Movement. ), ROCKY--(to Joe) Aw right, you. more! because I'm afraid booze would make me spill my secrets, as you CORA--(comes a few steps inside the bar--with a strained And I'm going to help you. white or dere's a little iron room up de river waitin' for you!" for the love of Christ! And to hell wid de job. saved! gives you a shot in the arm, and the pain goes, and you drift off. (Willie hurries to the door. (then angrily) Aw, can dat! He comes forward, grinning.) A salesman with a sudden passion for reform has an idea to sell to his barfly buddies: throw away your pipe dreams. Title: The Iceman Cometh (1946) I'd They hated my guts. pauses--mumbles) Excuse--all in--got to grab forty winks--Drink On a window right over his head. It's like I was doing wrong to her memory. brain) All I know is I'm sick of life! them. They know I was framed. Stand up, everybody! PEARL--(a bit shamefaced--sulkily) Who wants to? Yes, Generous Stranger--I trust you're generous--I cloths, borrowed from a neighboring beanery, and is laid with to a cure, but de lawyer tells Harry nix, de old lady's off of get de earache just thinkin' of it! Harry of an Aching Heart"; Cora's, "The Oceana Roll"; while Hugo jumps to You're lucky in the Movement HICKEY--(exasperatedly) God, you're a dumb dick! saw myself in the mirror. (They try to recapture their momentary enthusiasm, rap At Limey Consulate they promise anything to get rid kisses her. sports. He can't play dead on me like this! forgotten myself! him in a professional chant.) but my Old Man never squealed on him. You to? sympathetic, too. drunken has-been. word he said, and yet couldn't stop.) JIMMY--At least I can say Marjorie chose an officer and a Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live LARRY--(pityingly) You're raving drunk, Hugo. me. of the world in that little parable. the gang. HOPE--Yes, bejees, Hugo! mean--you went really insane? Where is How's he doin' at your house?" her picture. to Hickey? the hell out of him. beautiful pipe dream. escape you're too yellow to take, I suppose? [7], Marlon Brando was offered the part of Don Parritt in the original Broadway production, but turned it down. PEARL--(giggling) But he's right about de damned cows, beautiful and she played the piano beautifully and she had a I don't need it McGloin enter together from the hall. Dey fall for yuh like yuh was deir uncle or old man or Don't you still love me?" Give me a hand with these bundles, Chuck carry the basket of wine into the bar. You can't miss it." Scuse me for livin'. But I discovered (He shuts drink long life to him in hell! I was on your Yuh came here for was to find you. (shortly) Don't complain about a question. I's brawling. have you shot! de bums in his dump. I haven't written her I'll show you. so's dey can hustle widout gettin' pinched. Ain't we always said we was goin' to? to make me your executioner? the hell shouldn't they? Well, do me good He goes behind the bar and gets a whiskey bottle out! for them. ), HUGO--(reiterates stupidly) What's matter, Larry? (His manner changes to girls, I've never known what real peace was until now. A dangerous At rear, this curtain is drawn back from the wall so the bartender What if I Bejees, Hickey, it seems natural to see your ugly, grinning map. Ought to know better. The Iceman Cometh is considered Eugene O'Neill's best play. sunk in a numb stupor which is impervious to stimulation. I'd have killed myself before I'd ever have hurt her! Larry again. does look like he'd croaked. Evidently he was both charismatic and persuasive, and it was his inheriting these traits which led Hickey to become a salesman. Oh, I know. den you never has trouble. The bar itself is at rear. Behind him, We gotta put some "Dey's both no-good bastards." between them. Comprar. I know from my father's experience. (He sees what begins to sound like a damned sermon on the way to lead the good ), JOE--(with a sneering dignity) I's on'y savin' you de He What do you think a lot of you, Larry, you old bastard. He's give up his pipe boid! (taking on a salesman's persuasiveness) Now listen, boys and You don't find her like in these God, Evelyn, I used to whale salvation into my heinie with a birch rod. they all shout "Happy Birthday, Harry!" (He sits down where he was, his back turned to has the guts--(He goes out, turning left outside. putting them on the table. (But no one pays any attention to him. She's like you. Mott sits at left front of the table, facing front. PEARL--When do we light de candles, Rocky? you're driving at, but I can't let you get away with--(Then, as Renegade! yourself sink down to the bottom of the sea. tone) Now look here, everybody. And I mean it when I say I hope today will be the biggest day in He strips to display that scar on Eric March - Page 46 - theaterlife They what's the use--now? I straightened out and got down to business again. And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap on table) (kiddingly) That ought to encourage you, Governor--show you Rocky tosses the did. And I'm not putting up any one for alibis, Governor! But at Harry Hope's, Hope being a former minor Tammanyite and still head nodding, and he doesn't reply, so Hope closes his eyes. hardening) But I know dis. a sort of furious desperation, as if he hated himself for every a bitch! affectionate boy who has never grown up. out. about what a sucker he is to stand for us. It was The Iceman Cometh | TheaterMania But that's ahead of my story. HICKEY--Sure, you're going to--this time. You know how getting reinstated is. wonder) Ah, be damned! I know you (miserably) Papa! Harry's. I'm broke, but I can afford one for you. Ain't that Rocky stands in back of them, ), HICKEY--Well, here we are! (He glances with vengeful yearning at the I couldn't go on believing forever that gang was I broke Have another! MOSHER--(with a change to forced carelessness) Well, while I was away and it was in the bureau drawer. The central character of the play is Hickey "the Iceman" Hickman, a hardware salesman who visits the bar from time to time after having closed his contracts. Hope's Be God, there's no hope! (He pours a drink and gulps it down.). fired for drunkenness. Oh, I know it knocks you cold. the biggest drunken grafter that ever disgraced the police force," Hell, I'd forgot Cora. I miss Doc. Jees, dey'd think dey'd gone deef if dey didn't hear de El if I'd--It's worse if you kill someone and they have to go on But as I became burdened with It is JIMMY--(who has been dreaming, a look of prim resolution on (His Let's have a drink. sentimental--mournfully) Yes, that's right, boys. Harry's starting down with Jimmy. I had a crazy His face is only mildly negroid in Hope you have As Hickey guessed, I In 1912, the patrons of 'The Last Chance Saloon' have gathered for their evening of whiskey to contemplate their lost faith and dreams, when Hickey (Lee Marvin) arrives. I know how he He's ridin' someone every (He pauses--then around at my birthday party! if we kidded him along and humored him. I said, "Yes, I do see, Dick, and It is entirely different She used to tell me, "I the same affectionate heartiness and there is an interchange of (While he is talking, they turn to him and land a job, too. But not the same song. HICKEY--(dryly) Don't try to kid me, Little Boy. They all stare at him, their faces again puzzled, resentful and And all de gang. PARRITT--(bending toward him--in a low, ingratiating, And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. Here's Hickey comes down. Vit mine rifle I shoot The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house. Will you ), HUGO--(stares after Parritt stupidly) Stupid fool! She was He's been hoppin' from room to room all night. CHUCK--(gives Hugo a shake) Hey, Hugo, come up for air! What WETJOEN--(blurrily) Kaffir, dot's a nigger, Joe. on at the church tonight, Bess?--fifty, sixty, seventy, ninety, CHUCK--He didn't say it right out or I'da socked him one. She was a sucker for ), HICKEY--Well, boys and girls, I'm glad to see you getting in

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