First grade expectations

Behavior Expectations. Use Kind Words. She will If your child attended a half-day kindergarten, first grade will mean attending school for a longer day. Different states may focus on their own history, geography, and communities, as well as slightly vary the focus of their learning.

Reading... (Treasures 1st Grade) Reads 200 sight words automatically.

In the evening, if your child knows the bedtime routine is to take a bath, brush teeth, read a story and get into bed, then not only is it easier to get her into bed, it is easier for the child to do it independently.”Each child passes through a range of social, academic and developmental stages at his own pace. Class Schedule.

Expectations By Grade Level Comprehension with the book closed is critical! Nix one-word responses and learn more about your child's school day with these interactive conversation-starter cards you can print. Look out for a confirmation email from us.