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She brings her first aid box, put dean cloth on the wound to stop bleeding, applied antibiotic cream without rinsing the wound with clean water.A volunteer student shows a card saying “Second Day”. If that’s where you’re stuck, why not help your students switch up their identities a little? This is why new ESL teachers often find themselves looking for games and activities that break through those worn-out routines and breathe some fresh air into the class atmosphere. Page 1 includes the first part of the tale, a vocabulary exercise and a writing activity. Some teachers aim to address this problem with games like “hot seat” and “telephone” - and there’s nothing wrong with those games, in and of themselves. The same sound in stressed syllables and the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words is also called alliteration. They contain information related to work and study, routine, family and hobbies.

2 lesson no. Students must be able to think on their feet in order to sell their products to the "buyers". They must come up w ...This PowerPoint Presentation is for the basic understanding of asking and giving directions.

Then the teacher asks the learners to provide same examples of the sentences in which verb works as present participate and gerund.The choir leader sings the verses or verses as they occur in the poem and when the occur ‘Try again the whole choir sings in chorus and the whole class claps rhythmically with the chorus and the process goes on until the poem end.She clarifies that  ‘as’ and ‘like’ re mostly used for equation.Then she picks an adjective from the poem and explains a word which shows quality and quantity is called adjective and it has three degree e.g.The learners provide more examples of adjectives using their prior knowledge.After that the teacher writes two examples of tongue twisters on the board and ask the learners to repeat them for five times in chorus.The  teacher explains the news literary term to the students.
It is probably my best less ...This is a worksheet about the "Tale of the three brothers" by J.K. Rowling. The themes can sometimes seem mundane, though. If ‘i’, ‘e’, ‘y’ occur after ‘C’ then ‘c’ will be sounded as /s/ with some exceptional word for example.In ‘success’, the first ‘c’ sounds as /k/ and the next sounds as /s/ because the second ‘C’ has the letter ‘e’ after it. She tells that the repetition of the same sounds is called alliteration. This is a dialogue and role play exercise. Goal: Students will utilize their knowledge of direction words and polite requests to accurately … First draw their story map after group discussion and then write down the story describing all of the given articles. Role Plays are Perfect for Lower-Level Students. Our community of ESL teaching experts has done all the hard work for you - each worksheet provides clear and complete directions on how to set up and manage a role playing activity, so you’ll be ready to go as soon as you print it off. Students describe the scary attraction, make a brochure and a Halloween mask! Each student will raffle a card that c ...After the 23rd of June, I thought about discussing the arguments which led to the referendum result. Each week the contestants perform in fr ...This worksheet contains four stories, students must choose one story and decide who of the four people they are going to help and then decide how they are going to help them to organize a charity ...Give each students two cards, agree & disagree.
There are also some fill-in-the-blank texts. The teacher switchs on the recording again and the learners horridly find the words and how the number of words is greater than before.

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